Such a great question. First of all, any movement, or exercise, is always beneficial. However, you are right, there are standards that can help everyone regardless of age, reap the healthful benefits of a weekly exercise routine. The minimal standard for exercise is 150 minutes/week. I know that sounds like a lot, especially for someone who already has a full schedule; however, you can decide how you want to dissect those hours—i.e. five 30-minute sessions, or three 50-minute sessions. Remember, getting out and walking counts as exercise.
When exercise is sporadic you are not giving your body and mind the opportunity to build in strength and flexibility. Not to mention, you run the risk of injury if you continually go in and out of an exercise program. There is also the satisfaction of feeling and seeing your body and mind progress, which cannot happen if an individual is not consistent. What happens is a person can become discouraged by not seeing results. Whether at home, a studio, or a gym, results and consistency make a successful program.
Add variety to your workout for optimal health benefits. In other words, Mix it Up! CARDIO, STRENGTH TRAINING, and FLEXIBILITY are key components to a workout, and the good news is you don’t have to do all 3 in one workout. You can Mix it Up during your week. Also, discover what you and your body enjoy. Find a studio, or gym, that can help you find the right fit for you; and in turn, that studio or gym can be your fitness community. Lastly, work out with a friend. You can encourage each other. All 3 of these ideas can help make your workout a part of your routine, and let’s face it, more FUN!
I would like to pass along to you one of my favorite quotes, “Exercise and movement is such a gift to ourselves. Try and be present, patient, and purposeful.” Kirsty Godso
~Malia Ridgway, BS, Stott Certified Pilates Instructor, AntiGravity, TRX