1) As all men age their testosterone levels begin to decline, in a process called Andropause, but unfortunately for many men, that decline begins at a relatively young age and they begin to experience an array of symptoms normally associated with advanced age. Many men with low testosterone experience symptoms of brain fog, decreased muscle mass, increased body fat, anxiety, depression, low sexual desire, erectile dysfunction, headaches, fatigue, poor exercise tolerance and delayed recovery, dry skin, and decrease in muscle mass and glucose intolerance/diabetes.
2) Testosterone is the primary male sex hormone. It is what makes a man, a man. It helps males grow larger muscles, have facial and body hair and develop deep voices. Testosterone also fuels the libido, helps to produce sperm and contributes to functional erections.
3) Testosterone has been shown to directly affect bone density, metabolism of salts, maintains fluid balance, regulates red blood cells, cholesterol profiles and manages different functions of the brain including energy levels, moods and cognitive functions. It is what keeps you feeling young and vital.
4) Research has shown that low testosterone levels are associated with increased cardiovascular risk and mortality, increases in bad cholesterol, impaired glucose tolerance, diabetes, metabolic syndrome, obesity, osteoporosis, fatigue, anemia, cognitive decline, the severity of Parkinson’s symptoms, and a shorter life expectancy.
5) Bio-identical hormones have been studied extensively and safely used since 1935, without the negative side effects that synthetics hormones and inferior delivery systems have been known to produce. Conventional male hormonal treatments are administered by injections or rubbing gels in or onto your body. Commonly, these treatments use synthetic hormones that are not real hormones, but rather imperfect mimics of natural hormones. There can be many side effects from using these products and they can end up creating as many symptoms as they relieve. These options are a one size fits all solution from big pharmaceutical companies and do not properly adjust the ratios of hormones nor provide a natural and steady delivery method into the body.
6) Remaining healthy into old age depends on many things including lifestyle and genetics. It also makes perfect sense to replenish what the body needs. That’s why we supplement vitamins and minerals. It’s also why we use BHRT to restore internal balance. Many physicians focus on simply relieving symptoms with pharmaceutical patches, injections or creams. However, in order to return the body to balance, it needs recognizable hormone substances and a precision delivery method to transport them through the blood stream around the clock. In our opinion, the safest, most effective and convenient method is properly administered bio-identical hormone replacement (BHRT) using pellet implants. BHRT can restore the beneficial hormone levels your body needs by using pellet implants that consist of low dose testosterone that is released slowly for 3 to 6 months, 24/7. This method has been safely used for decades, allowing many men to experience the life-changing impacts of therapeutic hormone levels using bio-identical hormone pellet implant therapy.
7) Pellets deliver the right kind of hormones, in individualized amounts that are adjusted as your bodies needs change, using a delivery method that releases a natural amount of hormone as your body needs it. Low dose, bio-identical pellet restores hormone levels to normal ranges, while safely and effectively resolving the symptoms associated with low testosterone. Unlike other methods, this is not a one-size-fits-all process, eliminates guesswork, and allows us to tailor your hormone replacement according to your specific needs.
8) Testosterone replacement is widely accepted as safe and that the benefits out way the potential risks of: increased Hg/Hct levels that can thicken the blood and increase risks of stroke or blood clots, acne, sleep apnea, breast enlargement, benign prostatic enlargement, decrease in testicle size, and lower sperm counts.
9) BHRT with pellet implants is a remarkably simple and hassle-free therapy that can return you to the balance and vitality of healthy hormone levels. It can give you back your life – naturally.
~Dr. Lawrence Hutchison, MD, Medical Director