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  • Writer's pictureEmily Roling

What is Interstitial Cystitis?

Interstitial cystitis, also known as painful bladder syndrome, is an ongoing medical condition characterized by flares of painful urination, bladder pain and incomplete emptying of the bladder. These symptoms often mimic a urinary tract infection (UTI), however infection is not present upon testing of the urine.

Fortunately, there are many things that can be done to reduce the symptoms. First, diet should be evaluated for common triggers including caffeine, alcoholic and/or carbonated beverages. Individuals should also try to avoid artificial sweeteners and added sugars in foods. Incorporating a daily probiotic and increasing dietary fiber can alleviate symptoms.

Interstitial cystitis is common in individuals with Vitamin D deficiency, it is reasonable to request laboratory testing for deficiency and optimize levels with supplementation as needed. Additionally, Vitamin C and B supplements may increase symptoms. If you suffer with interstitial cystitis, strive to get these vitamins through nutrition over supplementation.

Several supplements have demonstrated efficacy in symptom management. These include turmeric, d-mannose, omega-3 and GABA. Others have benefited from bladder training or pelvic floor physical therapy. As with any protocol, it is best to proceed under the direction of a licensed medical provider.

~Emily Roling, NP

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