Clenching and grinding your teeth at any time of the day or night is subconscious, and can happen to men, women, and children at any age. It can be due to stress, faulty positioning, injury, excessive chewing, a fall, referred trigger points, or chronic pelvis, cranial and cervical spine imbalances. It is best to seek therapies to relax the jaw, but also to treat the full body for any other areas that may be impacting the jaw. Massage Therapy, Cranial Sacral Therapy, Neural Reset Therapy (NRT), Quantum Alignment Therapy (QAT), Physical Therapy, Chiropractic adjustments, and Meditative/ relaxation techniques can help get the full body out of this cycle. Your dentist may also provide you with a fitted mouthguard to wear at night to create space and keep teeth from grinding as a precaution.
~Julie Haufe, LMT, Reiki Master