Starting your health journey can feel overwhelming, and it's common to wonder, "Where do I begin?" As a health coach, I often answer this by saying, "It depends." Factors like your lifestyle, environment, values, and priorities all come into play. However, one powerful starting point is understanding your "why."
Do you have a goal in mind? That's fantastic! Write it down. Then, dive deeper by asking yourself why this goal matters. For example, let’s say your goal is to lose weight. You might ask, "Why do I want to lose weight?" The first answer could be, "To feel better." But don’t stop there—ask "why" again. Why do you want to feel better? Maybe it’s to have more energy for your family. Why do you want more energy? Perhaps it’s to be more present and active with your kids. By continuing to dig deeper, you'll discover the real reason behind your goal, such as wanting to feel confident and connected to loved ones. This technique is called the 5 Whys, and it helps you uncover the deeper, intrinsic motivation that’s driving you. When you understand the true reason behind your goal, you're much more likely to stay committed, even when challenges arise.
Another valuable exercise is creating a "destination postcard." Picture where you want to be in three months, six months, or a year. What does your ideal day look like? What activities are you doing? How do you feel physically, mentally, and emotionally? Be as specific and detailed as possible—dream big! This visualization gives you a clear destination. Now, with your why and a destination in mind, you can start building the roadmap—step by step—toward your goal.
Remember, the journey to better health doesn’t happen overnight. It’s a series of small, consistent steps that add up over time. And it’s important to stay flexible. As life changes, so might your goals or your approach, and that’s completely normal. Celebrate the small wins along the way, as they’re all part of the progress.
If this still feels daunting, don’t hesitate to seek guidance from a health coach, another professional, or even a trusted friend. Having support can help you stay on track and make the process more enjoyable. Surrounding yourself with the right resources and people can be the key to making lasting, positive change.
~Allie Saunders, Health Coach & Personal Trainer